In this tutorial I will attempt to show a fairly simplistic way to clean up the horrible job of shading that the PS2 often does in pictures created in Photomode/Photo Travel.

One thing that I need to point out about all of my tutorials, is that I am a PC Photoshop power-user. That means I use a LOT of shortcut keys to speed up the work flow. I will make note of them when they are used so that, if nothing else, you will learn a few of them by the end of the tutorial. :)

1) Let's start with our unaltered image below. I have made it in to a link so you can copy it to your system if you wish, but for this tutorial, I suggest you do to make the explanations easier.

2) Okay, the FIRST thing that I always do, and I recommend that you do as well, is duplicate the image by creating a duplicate layer.

3) Start off by zooming in on the first of the sections we want to "repair", the rear quarter panel. (We will work from the back to front of the car). We also want to divide the area in to even smaller portions in order to get the best results

4) Now we need to lasso the section in question.

5) Okay, let's clean up this mess. When I first looked at the bad ares of these cars up close, I was challenged to come up with the best way to fix them. My first thought was to use the Blur Tool and just go over the border between the shades and smooth them out. The second was to select the areas, like I have done, but use the Gaussian Blur filter. I decided against both because a) using the Blur Tool would be way to labor intensive and b) the Gaussian Blur filter is too hard to control because it brings in color from beyond the marquee - and that was not a good option. So we will use the aptly named, Smart Blur.

6) Lets move on to another section that has some serious issues - the rear door. As you can see in the image below, it is rather ugly. This is mostly due to the folks over at Sony, not having the highest faith in the games shaders, so they decided to paint some of the shadows on the car instead of rendering them. Whatever.

6) The obvious next step is to continue with the rest of the errors that remain on the car.

After I had finished with all the "large" work, I reviewed the entire image at high zoom, and fixed any small stuff I thought needed it, with the Blur Tool.

Here is the end result: Before and After

I hope that this has been helpful to you, and that it will make your shots all the more exciting. Good luck and happy Photoshopping!

-= Vicious =- VP